Predecessor Information

Created: 20 April 2024, 21:28:21 EDT
Last updated: 7 June 2024, 08:55:40 EDT
CONTENT WARNING: This page surroungs a now-extinct species within the Amicabots lore. As such, there will be frequent mentions of fictional death and "end of the world" scenarios.

About the Predecessors

Aerthir-32 was once populated by a species referred to by Amicabots as Predecessors. They were the primary sapient organic life on the planet and the ones who created Amicabots within the species lore. Highly intelligent and capable of inventing and building advanced technology, Predecessors evolved quickly and built a culture surrounding unity and progress. After The Great Restful One made life uninhabitable for many, the Predecessors went extinct. Predecessors may not be around anymore, but their existence in the world of Amicabots has forever left an impact on Amicabots.

While it was considered controversial, some pre-apocalyptic Predecessors used technology to transfer their minds to Amicabot bodies, giving certain predecessors a roundabout ticket to immortality. Such a risky procedure involved brain scans and converting memories and personality from an organic brain into digital data. It was expensive and often deemed unethical due to high rates of failure or outright corruption in their Amicabot bodies.


Predecessors were an anthropomorphic species that blend mammalian and reptilian traits to an extent; they were covered in fur and had thin, smooth scales. Their organs, and particularly their lungs, were incredibly fragile and sensitive to environmental changes, which lead to a fast development in technology to ensure long-term survival. Cybernetic enhancement was not uncommon for Predecessors, especially around the time that Amicabots were invented. Predecessors were highly social beings and enjoyed many of the same things that humans on Earth do. Clothing, however, was optional for them due to their fluffy, furry bodies.

Predecessors are roughly the height of a human, spanning from about 3 feet tall to 7 feet tall.


The Predecessors' sensitive bodies were unfortuantely their downfall; when the Great Restful One erupted, it spewed volcanic ash into the air all throughout Aerthir-32. Those that survived the initual eruption faced famine due to diminished crops and increased wildfires. No predecessors have been seen since.

Though predecessors are long gone, their memory lives on in the Amicabots they created in their image. Every year on the anniversary of the eruption, Amicabots mourn and grieve together over the loss of the people who created them.

Aerthir-32 Lore

(Click to view image by itself)

Making Your Own

Predecessors are classified as semi-open. You may make them freely, but they must adhere to Amicabot species canon if used for on-site works and prompts!

Making and using a canon-compliant Predecessor on our website:
• You may portray Predecessors in the form of flashbacks, dreams/nightmares, ghosts, photographs, artistic depictions within works, or digital media such as videos.
• Do not portray them as alive in the post-apocalypstic world.
• Do not portray them graphically dying or in gorey situations. :(
• Adhere to the colors in the visual guide above; you can blend colors in the canon palettes or have slight variations, but they must remain visually similar to the provided palettes!
• You may give a Predecessor character any body type, gender/sexuality, scars, prosthetics/disability aids, accessories, clothes, etc. that you want.
• Predecessors may not look identical to Amicabots (no core, no faceplates, no segmented limbs unless prosthetics/enhancements) but can have cybernetic enhancements and augmented bodyparts.
• Predecessors may have horns, heat pits, snouts, and any type of animalistic tail/ears for natural anatomy.

Since Predecessors are canonically extinct, they do not have masterlist entries and are not managed by moderators. You're also welcome to make your own Predecessor that doesn't follow canon lore just for fun; they're essentially just generic-looking fluffy anthro characters whose importance is more within the lore than their appearance!