
O' War

O' War (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

This mantle resembles a Portuguese Man o' War. The top part of the mantle is filled with gas and can be used to float on the surface of the water. Tentacles are a mixture of curly and straight and tend to grow quite long.


Horned (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Adds at least one horn to the head of a Nauticava. Two horns is the most typical, but more than two is accepted as well. Rhinoseros-like horns on the bridge of the snout behind the beak are allowed, but beaks cannot have protruding nose horns. Horns may be any shape or color, and may have ridges.

Bizarre Eyes

Bizarre Eyes (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Gives a Nauticava eyes with bizarre mutations including any of the following:

  • Hypnotic Eyes
  • Blank Eyes
  • Glowing Eyes
  • Unnaturally Shaped Pupils
  • Unnaturally Shaped Irises
  • Blank, Featureless Eyes

Certain eye features are not traited and do not fall under this category, and are thus free. These features listed below do not require this trait unless combined with any of the options above:

  • Any kind of real-life Cephalopod or Bird pupil shape
  • Heterochromia
  • Colored Sclera



Lure (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Gives a Nauticava a lure like an anglerfish. This lure can naturally glow without the Bioluminescence trait.

Tentacles on Body

Tentacles on Body (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Extra tentacles on a Nauticava's body - may have any number of extra tentacles, not limited to any specific number or cephalopod type, as long as they appear to be tentacles.

Cannot be fleshy whiskers or ribbons.


Bioluminescence (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Gives the ability for a Nauticava to glow in the dark through a genetic mutation.  Can apply to any part of the body.

Glowing markings can be turned "off" but must be visible & specified in Masterlist image.


Leafy (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Growths resembling the fins of a Leafy Seadragon. Can apply to any part of the body.


Chromism (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Allows a Nauticava to have an alternate color palette. Must have the same markings and be 1=1 with each color/marking from the original palette. Alt. Palette can contain any colors, even ones totally different from the original palette!

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