
Paddle Tail

Paddle Tail (Friendly)

Species: Companion (Cactuspup subtype)

A cactus tail that includes flattened paddles; it may be one singular paddle or branch of into several other offshoots.

Hanging Tail

Hanging Tail (Friendly)

Species: Companion (Cactuspup subtype)

Hanging tail(s) that can fall behind a Cactuspup, such as those on a christmas cactus.

Cactus Overgrowth

Cactus Overgrowth (Friendly)

Species: Companion (Cactuspup subtype)

Cactus growth anywhere else on the body, in addtion to the tail. (Cannot replace the cactus tail!)


Octopus (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

Octopus tentacles/octopus arms emerge from the head - may have 6-10 tentacles, but 8 is the most common amount.


Jelly (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

Jellyfish tendrils and a soft, jelly-like "hat" on the head. These tentacles are not prehensile and cannot move on their own; instead, they rest like hair would. Can be venemous.


Squid (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

Squid-like  pointed"hat" and 8-10 squid arms and 2 tentacles. Tentacles stand out by being wide with suckers at the end, while squid arms are generally shorter, thinner, and taper off at the end.


Cuttle (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

Cuttlefish-like pointed "hat" with 6-10 short arms, may have 2 tentacles.


Nautilus (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

A shelled "hat" with shorter tentacles emerging from it. Can have up to 90 thin tentacles - though it can have much less than that for the sake of stylization.

Beak: Upward

Beak: Upward (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

An upward shaped beak that curves into a point.

Beak: Spear

Beak: Spear (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

A beak that points forward, longer than usual Nauticava beaks. Highly efficient for fishing.

Beak: Downward

Beak: Downward (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

A beak that points downwards, more resmniscient of bird beaks.

Beak: Sturdy

Beak: Sturdy (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

A thicker beak, efficient in breaking open shells of marine prey.


Whiskers (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

Fleshy whiskers like that of a catfish's barbels. Any number of them can be present on a Nauticava's head. May not have suckers or mimix extra tentacles.

Hands: Basic

Hands: Basic (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

A standard webbed, clawed hand type.

Hands: Hookclaw

Hands: Hookclaw (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

A large, hooked claw for spearing food - this can be trimmed or clipped, but will always grow longer than the others. Can apply to one claw or to all of them.

Hands: Webless

Hands: Webless (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

Hands that feature no webbing to them. Makes swimming with hands less efficient, but makes hands more flexible on dry land.

Hands: Clawless

Hands: Clawless (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

Hands that don't have any claws on them, or have missing claws.

Seraph Fins

Seraph Fins (Standard)

Species: Nauticava

Fins that resemble those on the Seraph tail; they can be located on the back or any other part of the body, and can be more than one pair.

Tentacles on Body

Tentacles on Body (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Extra tentacles on a Nauticava's body - may have any number of extra tentacles, not limited to any specific number or cephalopod type, as long as they appear to be tentacles.

Cannot be fleshy whiskers or ribbons.


Bioluminescence (Mutation)

Species: Nauticava

Gives the ability for a Nauticava to glow in the dark through a genetic mutation.  Can apply to any part of the body.

Glowing markings can be turned "off" but must be visible & specified in Masterlist image.

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