
Screen Eyes

Screen Eyes (Upgraded)

Category: Upgraded
Species: Amicabot

Applies to eyes only. An Amicabot has eyes made out of a screen material; can change colors or display symbols/shapes.

This trait can be obtained by using the Eye Screen item.

Dish Ears

Dish Ears (Upgraded)

Category: Upgraded
Species: Amicabot

Applies to the head only. Satellite dish ears; can be any style, generally rounded and inorganic.

This trait can be obtained by using the Ear Components item.

Satellite Ears

Satellite Ears (Upgraded)

Category: Upgraded
Species: Amicabot

Applies to the head only. Ears that resemble flat satellites, like the ones found in space.

This trait can be obtained by using the Ear Components item.

Exterior Tubing

Exterior Tubing (Upgraded)

Category: Upgraded
Species: Amicabot

Can apply to any part of the body. Tubing along the outside of the body. When combined with Transparency, the tubing may show inner coolant or wires.

This trait can be obtained by using the Jelly Tubes item.

Plant/Fungal Growth

Plant/Fungal Growth (Upgraded)

Category: Upgraded
Species: Amicabot

Can apply to any part of the body, can be any type of plant or multiple plant types. Plants growing out of, or on top of, an Amicabot's body. This includes fungal growth as well, even though fungi aren't actually plants. When combined with Container or Transparency, plant growth inside the body can be achieved.

This trait can be obtained by using the Mixed Seeds item.


Wings (Upgraded)

Category: Upgraded
Species: Amicabot

Can apply to any part of the body. Any type of wings, synthetic or organic.

This trait can be obtained by using the Mechanical Wing item.


Glitter (Upgraded)

Category: Upgraded
Species: Amicabot

Can apply to any part of the body. Glitter on an Amicabot's body, either freely stuck to the outside or painted onto the body. Can leave trails of glitter or have it falling off the body like dust. Glitter may be any color and may be stylized with shapes like diamonds, stars, etc.

This trait can be obtained by using the Glitter Shaker item.


Mandibles (Upgraded)

Category: Upgraded
Species: Amicabot

Applies to an Amicabot, inside or outside of the mouth. Adds a pair of mandibles or grabbers of any kind Mandibles can be hidden inside of mouth if they are placed inside of it, but they must be visible in some way on the Masterlist art.

This trait can be obtained by using the Chip Cookie item.

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