

Treads/Wheels (Vehicular)

Category: Vehicular
Species: Amicabot

Applies to any part of an Amicabot, but usually the limbs or replacing limbs. Adds a set of wheels or treads (like those on a tank) to an Amicabot to aid in movement in particular types of terrain.

This trait can be obtained by using the All-Terrain Treads item.


Nosecone (Vehicular)

Category: Vehicular
Species: Amicabot

Applies to an Amicabot's snout. Adds a conical ending to the Amicabot's snout, resembling the nosecone of an airplane or rocket. Must be pointing relatively forward, and cannot curve or curl upwards/downwards. Must not resemble typical a mammalian/animal nose.

This trait can be obtained by using the Aerodynamic Cone item.

Odd Body

Odd Body (Vehicular)

Category: Vehicular
Species: Amicabot

Applies to any part of an Amicabot. This gives an Amicabot an "odd" body type that's different from a standard anthro, feral, or humanoid body type. Such includes unusually long bodies, cubic or machine-shaped bodies, or limbs fashioned in a similar way. Odd Body may not give Nano Amicabots the proportions/height of regular Amicabots.

This trait can be obtained by using the Unusual Adjustment item.


Sail/Crest (Vehicular)

Category: Vehicular
Species: Amicabot

Applies to any part of an Amicabot. Gives an Amicabot a sail or crest, like a sailboat.

This trait can be obtained by using the Luxurious Sail item.


Lights (Vehicular)

Category: Vehicular
Species: Amicabot

Applies to any part of an Amicabot. Gives an Amicabot headlights, industrial lights, floodlights, and the likes. The lights can be turned on or off.

This trait can be obtained by using the Bright Lights item.

Vehicle Morph

Vehicle Morph (Vehicular)

Category: Vehicular
Species: Amicabot

Applies to the entire Amicabot; adds a secondary "vehicle-like" form for an Amicabot to transform into. This is separate from ordinary transformation as it must specifically resemble an existing vehicle or class of vehicles. (IE helicopters, boats, planes, trains, etc.)

A Vehicle Morph Amicabot must still retain the same Core placement unless it has the Corrupted Misplaced Core trait.

This trait can be obtained by using the Shifting Mechanism item.

Cooling Towers

Cooling Towers (Vehicular)

Category: Vehicular
Species: Amicabot

Applies to any part of an Amicabot's body. Cooling towers vent clean steam generated by a water coolant system that keeps an Amicabot's nuclear Core cool and functional.

This trait can be obtained by using the Cooling Tower Blueprint item.

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