
Iridescent Octorb

Iridescent Octorb (Wild Critters)

Iridescent Octorbs are quite intelligent, but not very dextrous. They're easy prey to larger predators and brighten up any tank they're kept in. Safer in captivity than in the wild, probably.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Halcyon Beach.



Cephaloplead (Wild Critters)

These very social cephalopods use their big, sad-looking eyes to win the hearts of other sea creatures. And then they eat them. Nature is beautiful!

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Halcyon Beach.


Violet Shiny Squid

Violet Shiny Squid (Wild Critters)

Perfectly purple and very agile, the Violet Shiny Squid can actually change colors at will. The violet coloration is used to attract mates or intimidate foes who really don't like purple.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Halcyon Beach.



Reefskipper (Wild Critters)

The Reefskipper is an intelligent, agile fish that's roughly the size of a hamster. In spite of its small stature, it's a carnivore and feeds on smaller fish with delight.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Halcyon Beach.


Iridescent Scorp

Iridescent Scorp (Wild Critters)

The Iridescent Scorp is a chimera creature with a sentient tail. Often times, the tail is more aggressive than the head itself, which takes on a more passive role. The nose horn on its tail head functions as a stinger, delivering a toxic attack to prey or threats.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Badlands.



Birdle (Wild Critters)

The Birdle is a vibrant insect with feathery wings. They are plentiful in many desert areas.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Badlands.



Vulp (Wild Critters)

The Vulp's big, furry ears protect it from the heat in its natural environment. They're nocturnal predators that hunt at night.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Badlands.


Dual-Headed Slitherer

Dual-Headed Slitherer (Wild Critters)

The Dual-Headed Slitherer is affected by a genetic mutation that gives it two heads. This gene is dominant compared to many others, making it more rare to see them with one head than two. Sometimes, the heads fight for prey in spite of sharing the same digestive system.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Badlands.



Cactacervidae (Wild Critters)

This plant-animal hybrid lives in herds in cactus and dry brush plant clusters. They are skiddish but make decent pets if domesticated.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Badlands.


Blush Springfisher

Blush Springfisher (Wild Critters)

This Springfisher has a striking pink coloration and doesn't seem to be native to the Caldera. It wiggles its long, swiveling neck as a mating display, or as a call to battle with other members of its species.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Caldera.


Arctic Specimen

Arctic Specimen (Wild Critters)

Arctic Specimens used to be a great source of sustainance for the predecessors living in Arctic regions. Now, they're quite commonly found without too many natural predators. They can grow up to be quite large and are highly sociable with their own species.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the seasonal Tundra area during winter.



Cicadeer (Wild Critters)

Cicadeers let out a mournful cry in the evening , but are dead silent and skittish during the daytime. They dwell in trees but feed on the ground's grass. One can befriend these timid critters only with plenty of patience.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Caldera.



Gaskit (Wild Critters)

This strange amalgamation of synthetic and organic life seems to like playing around with balls of old wires. They weren't created by the Predecessors... so, who made them? It's not entirely certain, but their survival skills within ash-covered and polluted areas are remarkable.


Bushy-Tailed Beholder

Bushy-Tailed Beholder (Wild Critters)

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder... well, this mammal certainly has a set of eyes on it. Bushy-tailed beholders often cling to their tails and roll around while holding them, moving around like a wheel.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Caldera.



Isobot (Wild Critters)

These robotic isopods were created by predecessors to scavenge around and eat garbage, converting it to biodegradable waste. They can often be found eating garbage.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in various areas.


Migratory Springfisher

Migratory Springfisher (Wild Critters)

The Migratory Springfisher prefers warm temperatures and flies south during colder weather. Its long neck can swivel in all sorts of directions without any trouble.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Caldera.


Mock-Leafed Lizard

Mock-Leafed Lizard (Wild Critters)

The Mock-Leafed Lizard has a rather cheerful expression when it opens its mouth, but it's not so cheerful to the bugs they're about to snack on. These lizards have fleshy appendages that resemble leafs that help them camouflage in trees.


Snow Gaskit

Snow Gaskit (Wild Critters)

These Gaskits live in snowy areas and tend to fare well in the cold. Hardy and fluffy, they're not used to seeing Amicabots and tend to be quite playful when meeting them.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the seasonal Tundra area during winter.


Shimmering Snifter

Shimmering Snifter (Wild Critters)

These vibrantly-colored Snifters have the habit of collecting and hoarding brilliant gemstones. They dwell in caves as not to stand out to outdoor predators and live social lifestyles with other members of their species.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Caldera. Critter colored by Goomy! (Critter Coloring Contest 2023 Winner)


Aquamarine Snifter

Aquamarine Snifter (Wild Critters)

Aquamarine Snifters are surprisingly tolerant of the temperatures in the Caldera springs, but they're easy prey to Springfishers skimming the water.

This pet can be obtained by foraging in the Caldera. Critter colored by Gothalite! (Critter Coloring Contest 2023 Winner)


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