Crafting (Used in Wire Ramen Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Wire Ramen Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Wire Ramen Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Fish and Computer Chips Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Fish and Computer Chips Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Fish and Computer Chips Recipe Recipe)
Collected from Donation Shop (Received rewards for foraging in Halcyon Beach.)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Box of Stuff)
Box Rewards (Received rewards from opening Box of Stuff)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from Orion's Oddities by
aquatheawkward for 0 Spare Parts.)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Abandoned City.)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Abandoned City.)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Abandoned City.)
Collected from Donation Shop (Purchased from Regrowth by
Nova for 1 Seedling.)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Abandoned City.)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Abandoned City.)
Foraging Rewards (Received rewards for foraging in Abandoned City.)
Crafting (Used in Friendroid Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Friendroid Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Friendroid Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Friendroid Recipe Recipe)
Crafting (Used in Friendroid Recipe Recipe)
Shop Purchase (Purchased from General Store by
aquatheawkward for 5 Spare Parts.)