Thumper_Cloudbright9 Thumper_Cloudbright9

28 April 2024 (9 months ago)

Mello mello!

I foam at the mouth making Amicabots and other species hehehe

If you ever wanna chat, don't be shy! I don't bite and am willing to have little convos☆

Oh and here's my Toyhouse link!!



Sibling Pack: Angelo, TBA, TBA, TBA

A group of crime fighting siblings that are currently trying to find each other and survive. On their journey, they'll meet some old friends... and enemies they thought were dead.


Explorers of Aerthir-32: Opalescent and Sparker

Opalescent is on a journey to find a mysterious aquatic beast she saw in her early life, and Sparker is searching for bots that are in danger to help them. They often work together, with Opalescent having hired him to help her locate the beast in the sea. They have become close friends.


Lyrics of Io: Umbra Luna and Shine

Umbra is a singer with a beautiful voice, and Shine is her music producer, getting it out there to the people and putting on concerts. They both adore one another, though Umbra wants to start some concerts at night, with an odd glint in her eye. Shine doesn't know what to make of this, but hey, it seems like it could be fun! Though what's with that scarf she's got? It has a weird aura to it.


Neptune Way Crew: Crunch, Callie, Cloudbright, Bedazzle, CasperCove, Calypso, Coast, and more to be announced :>

A large group of Amicabots that have taken it upon themselves to to explore all around the globe by ship in search of bots in need of help. Crunch had ended up joining when he was found battered and beaten up, his core barely flickering a soft glow of life.

Soon, he awoke upon a gurney, with new parts to his name, and some replaced, like his eyes. It was all thanks to Medic [REDACTED] that he had survived.


Desert Wanderers: Aquarius, Jezebel, and Dusk

Amicabots that thrive in the lands of the Grand Desert! They are built to survive in the harsh environment, and often have traits that help them stay cool, like storing water. Aquarius is a charitable guide that helps bots and others stay cool in Oasises, while Dusk is a sneaky little assassin that tracks his target constantly until they're too tired to keep going. More to be announced for Jezebel!


War Over Scorch Sanctuary: Atlas and Red Riot

Atlas and Riot completely disagree when it comes to how one should lead a town, and so their friendship has been broken, and now Atlas seeks to take the town from Riot by force. His journey for allies is about to begin.


The Lonely Merchant: Chester

Chester is a desperate little Amicabot that really wants to make it big one day, and have her wares sell. She collects stuff from all the continents, and travels far and wide to see who would like to buy from her. If only she knew what her journey was going to have her learn the hard way.


Space Explorer: Smog Nebula

A strange Amicabot that seems to have escaped to space to get away from the Great Restful One's horrid explosion. He hasn't been back to Aerthir-32 for eons... until he finally decided to see what all had changed.


Swampside: Bosphoromous, Starry Cobbler, Wog, Vulca, and more to be announced!

These bots all thrive in their swampy territory, and often visit the nearby jungle to keep up with news or to see anyone new. Bosphoromous and Starry run a small restaurant called Dewdrop Cafe, where they both work as the chefs and waiters, and making sure no one goes hungry. Wog and Vulca are Robuddy partners that live in their own little society of other Robuddies, and go on patrol to keep their home safe. Vulca doesn't trust any outsiders whatsoever, while Wog is more friendly and lax.


Talos Inhabitants: Vrisak and Brimstone

Amicabots that live in the dangerous land of Talos, which is an island full of mystery and death. When the Great Restful One erupted, Predecessors upon Talos were some of the first to perish, despite the ocean between them and Pathos. Legend has it that, because of all the souls that wander the island, an Amicabot called the "Separator Of Talos" was driven to cause more death through insanity, in hopes to break the island in two. Though everyone only believes that to be but a myth... except for the island's main groundsman, of course.

120 Spare Parts
0 Gears
0 Kindness Token
1 Pearls
Robuddy MYO
Aquatic Enhancement
Oil Shake
Mixed Seeds



Omg Hi!!! Im moth from tumblr lol :D

2024-05-02 17:23:05

Thumper_Cloudbright9 Avatar

Oh hiya Moth!! Nice to see ya around :D
Man, I'm glad I asked ya what species you had, joining this little community has been so much fun!

2024-05-02 19:31:13


Aaaa Im so glad !! :D

2024-05-02 20:07:41

Thumper_Cloudbright9 Avatar

Mello mello!
I am Thumper☆
Enjoy taking a look around!

2024-05-02 16:46:51

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