Simonotter Simonotter

30 November 2023 (7 months ago)
Selected Character

This user has no selected character...

20 Spare Parts
0 Gears
2 Kindness Token
8 Sunken Coin
Nauticava MYO Event Slot
Mutation Potion
Fancy Chocolates
No awards earned.


Victoria Avatar
Victoria Staff Member

Hey there! I'm leaving this comment to let you know I've removed the excess items you've obtained from the Event Shop due to a bug where I made all of the currency free on accident. I've left your "CLICK HERE" item since the purchase is limited to two per-person, and I apologize for the inconvenience! If I removed any items you already had from before the event, please let me know and I'll promptly return them to you!

2023-12-01 02:57:09

Simonotter Avatar

thanky you :) i dint realize it was a bug and got a ton of things lol, sorting that out by myself would have been a pain

2023-12-01 12:01:23

Victoria Avatar
Victoria Staff Member

That’s totally okay, thank you for understanding! :)

2023-12-01 13:07:55

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