Submission (#261) Approved

13 January 2024, 21:16:02 EST (8 months ago)
14 January 2024, 01:24:19 EST (8 months ago) by Victoria


Some more sprites :3 thinking about doing the npcs :3 and yes the game is going along well I’ve added attacks and I’m possibly going to add mini games :3 alt pallets are fun :3


Reward Amount

Criteria Rewards

Art - 10 Spare Parts

Headshot/Bust: 0
Halfbody/Chibi: 0
Fullbody: 1
Simple background.: 0
Complex Background: 0
Fullbody Companion: 0
Owned Pet/Critter Species Bonus: 0
NPC/Gift Art: 0
Simple Shading: Off
Complex Shading: Off
Collaboration: Off



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Wickerbeastinabasket's Bank

Currency Quantity