Eternal Dungeons Event

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Victoria

As time goes on, the apocalypse that had formed most of Amicabot society begins to grow further in view - which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, or a good thing - simply something that happens. But for Amicabot culture, it means one thing new. Rebuilding efforts have been needed less, which leaves more room for another important aspect of culture to grow - art.

Some Amicabots have begun to write plays, other make pottery. Communities to share poems, drawings, knitting, music, and more have began to form. One of these many communities of like-minded Amicabots banded together over their love of a specific artform - video games.

After finding a half-made game left by the predecessors in a development building, a small team of passionate Amicabots banded together to finish it themselves - hoping that their efforts and the work of their past creators could become something that would inspire the future of the artform. By developing the game further, they realized that it could run on their very own hardware, allowing Amicabots to experience a unique virtual-reality experience. Of course, a version for traditional VR devices was built alongside it, for any curious Nauticava or Robuddies who want to adventure alongside their friends.

Daily life-threatening adventures are par for the course for some Amicabots, but for those who yearn for adventure from the safety of their own home, Eternal Dungeons was released - a massive online game that can be played from the comfort of home. Although an Amicabot will feel as though the experiences in the game are real, the dangers are not, allowing them to safely explore and feel like a hero.

What are you waiting for? The download link has spread all across Aerthir-32’s Internet! All your friends are playing it!


It's time for a new event! We bring you this one as a collab between AcuteExposure (writer), FeralJayce (art collaborator) and Victoria (me! i drew a buncha assets!)

This event ends on October 2nd. Players can earn currency by grabbing a daily Event Coin in the Dailies Tab free. To earn more, participate in Event Prompts

We hope you enjoy this event and have fun participating in it!

1 Comment


Bluzai Avatar

holy shit amicabot MMORPG

2024-09-02 13:57:28

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