Amicabots Gacha: Round 3! (OPEN)

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by Victoria

Welcome to the third round of the Amicabots Gacha!

This Gacha includes a wonderful selection of designs by the Moderation team and me, as well as some very kind guest artists!
All of these designs are pre-uploaded to the masterlist and hidden! Once a design is rolled, it will be revealed and transferred to the owner.

Entry Links: 

USD / Point Rolls
Spare Part Rolls


- We are selling 103 designs - with 54 USD rolls and 49 Spare Part rolls!
- The prices are $30 USD / 3000 points / 30 spare parts per roll!
- There is a limited number of Spare Parts rolls! These rolls will be a paid raffle (you pay only if you win a roll) and one-per-person. The raffle will last 48 hours, after which winners will be randomly chosen!
- USD/Point rolls are first come, first serve!
- All rolls are firstcome, first serve. There is a USD/point roll limit of 2 rolls per-person for the first 24 hours; after that, the limit will be lifted and additional roles may be purchased!
- If you win a slot in USD/points, I will send you a note or Discord message instructing where to send the payment.
Fill in the Google Forms to enter for a roll. (Spare parts and USD/points rolls will be in serparate forms.)
- The form for Spare Part rolls will be open for about 48 hours to allow extra time to earn spare parts and enter the form.

There will be no gore or NSFW designs for this gacha, but please keep in mind that there are some horror and bug themed designs. Some of these robots have missing limbs/casing or appear damaged in some way or multiple eyes/limbs. You will have the option not to roll horror-themed designs.
- Please familiarize yourself with the Amicabots TOS.
- Be willing to pay for your roll within 24 hours of being chosen.
- Payment types cannot be split or mixed.
- You may roll for another user, but it will count towards your roll limit.
- USD payment is via PayPal, and point payments will be done either through widgets or gifts; please don't send point payments until you're given the OK to do so!
- You cannot reroll designs obtained in this Gacha. However, you may join our Discord to trade for other Amicabots (from this gacha, or in general) that might suit your interests better!
- All purchases are final and cannot be refunded.


FinchDoodles Avatar

[ Unsure if the spare parts roll are still open but applied for one! I love gachas so much! They are so fun :D ]

2024-03-18 11:15:43

Victoria Avatar
Victoria Staff Member

They are still open for the next hour and a half! Good luck!

2024-03-18 11:34:26

FinchDoodles Avatar

[ tysm! :D ]

2024-03-18 11:38:13

Victoria Avatar
Victoria Staff Member
Featured by Owner

To all commenters: please fill in the forms in the news post! <3 TYSM!

2024-03-16 14:02:09 (Edited 2024-03-16 14:02:13)

WerewolfPoison Avatar

1 usd roll pls!

2024-03-16 13:31:28

LoafyDeer Avatar

1 USD roll please

2024-03-16 13:07:30

sirahnksalot Avatar


2024-03-16 13:07:13 (Edited 2024-03-16 13:14:51)

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