The Scrapyard

Created: 12 January 2024, 20:41:04 EST
Last updated: 23 January 2024, 11:19:15 EST
Welcome to the Scapyard, a place where unwanted Amicabots go to be rehomed.

Have an Amicabot you simply don't want anymore? We can take them off your hands!

Please read this page and its instructions very carefully. 
Submitting an Amicabot to the Scrapyard is irreversible, so only submit your Amicabot if you are sure that you no longer want it anymore.

How to surrender an Amicabot

To surrender an Amicabot, please follow these instructions:
- Submit a claim.
- For the URL section of the claim, link this page. ( )
- Attach your Amicabot(s) you wish to surrender in the Characters section below.
- If you have a toyhouse page for your Amicabot, make a transfer request to the account Amicabots ( )
- Copy, paste, and fill in the form below in the Comments section:

Amicabot Masterlist(s): (the links/masterlist codes to your amicabot(s) you wish to surrender)
Toyhouse Username: (if you don't have a toyhouse account, just put N/A)
Have you submitted transfer(s) to the Amicabots Toyhouse?: (yes or no - if you don't have a toyhouse account, just put N/A)
By surrenduring the Amicabot(s), do you acknowledge that this is permanent and you may never get them back?: (yes or no - if no, your claim will be rejected.)

Once you've submitted a claim, please wait patiently and our moderation team will view it. If your form is incomplete or it is evident that you haven't followed the above rules, your claim will be rejected. If you've followed all of the rules properly, your Amicabot surrender will be accepted, the Amicabot will be transferred to the Admin account and the Toyhouse transfer will be accepted where they will remain until rehomed.

Amicabots surrendered via The Scrapyard will not be resold for USD value. They will be given back to the community by being raffled off, given away as prizes, or given for free to FTOs.