Glowlit Caves
Eleanor was created by two bots in love, Pepper the Moth and Rose the Deer. THe two made her, Eleanor the Bat. All were named by the type of animal they were based on, yet were all Amicabots. Code with mostyl humor and curiousity, she was bound to go check out the dark, yet beautiful glowlit caves or were the a caveren? Her foot steps were light as the moss covered bot walked into the caves, turning around in a circle to admire the beauty of the caves. Stalagmites and stalactites covered the walls with layer upon layers of diffrent varity of colors the rocks refelcted. On the stalagmites, a sparkle of a new material yet untold dazzled and brighten the room. Eleanor attempted to lift her hands to reach, yet it was far out of grasp, instead she felt the rough tecture of rock the was cool to the touch. Her thick fur was designed for her to explore in the dark, and her eyes were screens that allowed for night vision. Worse case is her finger tips glew with a viberant orange, allowing her to wave somewhat blindly around and find a path.
The caves themselves were huge, probably a couple meter in leangth. The floor not covered by the stalactites was smooth and almost slippery in some areas. As she went deeper into the cave, the walls grew closer together and she had to start climbing and scaling the walls, occasionally using her wings to help keep balance. Eleanor was in search of any life or water or alternated entrences/exits, Quickly and surley, she became exhausted. She spotted a couple bugs here and there, yet she found nothing really intresting. No new animals or no new plants, so far. She did not stop having hope despite her loss, but she decided it was time to head on back to where she entered.
While she climbed back up a cave she scaled, she slipped and scrapped up her knee joints, causing a mummbled from the bot. She tried to climb up again, figure she could use her wings, however they were to large to fly out. Carfully, she put one foot over the other and gripped the walls tightly, heading on up and out of the small sector of cave she explored. Her hands gripped the slippery rocks tight, chipping a few as she pulled up her weight. Once up, she allowed herself to just lay and stare at the ceiling of the cave. The lights that sparkled were like little stars trapped in the cave forever.
Sitting up, Eleanor was almost about to countinue her journey out when she spotted a isobug hiding ontop of a crystal rock. She went over and picked it up, determining it was basic purple qaurtz. SHe smiled and held it tight, deciding to head on out with the qaurtz. She knew she would be back to figure out the mystery of the caves,, but for now her knee was scrapped and she wanted to rest.
Submitted By FinchDoodles
for Glowlit Cave Expedition
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Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago