Instant Karma
I saw that one of the limited prompts this month is 'Cosplay,' where you draw your character(s) in cosplay of another character, which sounds really fun, so I did it! :D I don't really need any more pearls (ever, LOL) but I was inspired to draw this, so here we go! I drew Rau and Nea-Rau in the outfits of the characters they're inspired by, and then Mr. Social and Rau are actually inspired by the same character, among other ones, so they're twinning! (Or competing???) I haven't decided if I want Nea to be mute like the character she's inspired by, because in at least one of the AUs I've created, she can speak, but I'm just gonna play around with it and see what happens! I decided to just have her holding up signs like she does in the Chibi series. :3 The characters they're cosplaying as are Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan from RWBY. Enjoy!
Submitted By Aeby-Baby
for Cosplay
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Submitted: 4 days ago ・
Last Updated: 4 days ago