Song Bots - Entee
There's a new type of monthly prompt called 'Build-A-Bot' which seems SUPER fun, and the theme this month is: favorite song!!! :D I can't really pick a favorite song 'cause there're just so many good ones out there and I listen to sooo many different types of music, but I went ahead and settled on "Sleeping with a Friend" by Neon Trees! That song's been a favorite of mine since it was released and while it's perhaps a bit risqué, all of the deeper meaning flew over my head when I was younger and I think it's subtle enough to probably be okay to mention on this site! (If not, 'guess I'll just delete this post and go hide under a rock? I dunno...) It's such a nice poppy song tho, and I literally love the vocals soooo much, UGH! I highly recommend giving it a listen! :> This picture's the 'concept art' for Entee, my bot I made who's inspired by the song! Enjoy!
Submitted By Aeby-Baby
for Build-A-Bot
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Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago