Pumpkin pie
You wouldn’t need a calendar to know it was Halloween eve. On the streets, amicabots and nauticava decorated their houses, some wearing spooky costumes, most wearing their regular clothes. At night, the city would be lighted by the jack-o-lanterns that were being put by the villagers, but during the day, the sunlight still managed to get through the gray, heavy clouds. And even though the weather wasn’t the best during Autumn, the robuddies, amicabots and nauticava that lived in that town weren’t but excited for the spooky season.
And it wasn’t different for Susan, who was just finishing putting up the decoration on their house on that cloudy afternoon. After positioning the last plastic spider, she headed into Joy’s home to see what he was up to.
Joy’s house was the flashiest in the street. It was one of the last, but the lights were so shiny and colorful that Susan could easily spot it two blocks away. The door and the rooftop were decorated with lights in the colors orange, purple and black, and those were the colors of the flour that Joy had spread through the grass in bots front yard. some not very good looking garden gnomes, full of dust and spider webs had left Joy’s dusty basement just for this occasion. He had found them in an abandoned rural house years ago, and he thought they were so scary, that they would only really make sense as a ornament during spooky season. At the moment, he was putting a sign on his door that said “Boo”.
“Hiya, Susan!”, he greeted as she got closer to his front yard.
“Hey, Joy! Nice decoration you’ve got there.”
“Thanks! I, hum, was planning on… hum, baking a pumpkin pie with the insides of the jack-o-lanterns. D’ya wanna bake it with me?”, bot said as bot just finished putting up the sign.
“Yeah, sure!”
Joy opened the door ad gestured with his hands, inviting her to come in. They both walked into the kitchen and Joy picked a recipe book from one of the shelves. He put it on the table and looked for the right recipe.
“There you have it! Now, let’s get the ingredients…”
After forty-five minutes of looking for ingredients in Joy’s messy fridge, mixing them, baking, and staring at the oven, the pie was ready. The two friends ate some of it, and Joy cut the rest very nicely to give to the children who asked for treats on bots house.
Submitted By Jenius
for Spooky Snacks
Submitted: 3 months ago ・
Last Updated: 3 months ago