Amicatober 2024 - Moss
Was very uninspired by this prompt 'moss' so I drew the robuddy fella I obtained recently reclining against a mossy log. Started this on the 14th, didn't like it so much that I decided to stop drawing for a bit, and then I couldn't log back into the site for a while. The rest is history and I've fallen behind on my Amicatober prompts... I might try to do them again, but I definitely need to change up my technique because I'm really bored with this one, currently. You can probably tell, considering how different this prompt looks from my other ones, but I threw in a bunch of haltones stuff to at least feel like I tried... Enjoy.
Submitted By Aeby-Baby
for Amicatober
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Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago