Amicatober 2024 - Growth
The 9th prompt 'growth' was the perfect excuse to draw the newest amicabot I've acquired!!! (Not that I need an excuse, ha ha!) It's got plenty of growths on it, both in the form of plant life as well as calcium! I've been rotating this fella' in my head for a bit and I think I'm slowly but surely amassing a story for it! Prototypes are especially fun for me because they allow me to think about the bots distant past, and right now I've thought of something somewhat reminiscent to The Iron Giant, at least in style! Oh how I miss watching The Iron Giant on VHS as a kid--as annoying and cumbersome as VHS was. There's a certain nostalgia and wonder that comes with having your collection of VHS movies to sift through and choose from. I don't think I'll ever get that back. Enjoy! <3
Submitted By Aeby-Baby
for Amicatober
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Submitted: 4 months ago ・
Last Updated: 4 months ago