Do you believe in love at first sight?

In Prompts ・ By Rotten_Meat
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after much insistence, donna finally convinced pyroclast to leave his hole and go get some air, so he decided to take a walk, after passing through destroyed cities, sunny beaches and forests, he arrived at a lake where he decided to stay there, after After a while watching the fish swimming he sees something shining at the bottom of the lake, his curiosity was piqued so he improvises a diving suit so as not to break it, when he dives he sees himself in a beautiful lake full of life, but he was not interested in that. submerged life and yes in the content below that, in a very dark place, there is a very narrow entrance he tries to enter, by squeezing hard he manages to enter, but at the price of breaking half of his leg, in the midst of his pain and despair, he notices the place where he is, a cave full of stalagtites and stalagmites, bluish and greenish and very bright.

Pyro gets up with difficulty, limping due to the pain in his leg, his desire to explore is greater than his pain at the moment.

Remember Pyro... curiosity killed the cat... or amicabot in this case-

Walking through the cave, paying attention to everything to later write down his new discovery, this place seems abandoned... still very beautiful, it could be a great choice to store spare parts and not be stolen

And then while it was destroyed, big blue eyes observed the new presence in his home, Pyro felt something, but he didn't know it was his circuits sending signals that he was being watched by something big, very big…

-time skip-

After walking and going deeper and deeper into the cave, Pyro decided that the best option would be to try to find a way out that he wouldn't need to come into contact with the water, the place was extensive. He walked a lot with his injured leg, but after a few hours he finally decided to rest, t.he pain in his leg was unbearable to continue walking so he decided to sit on a rock to rest.

~POV. ????????~

Imagine how you would be in her place, you are sleeping peacefully in your house when out of nowhere, some being simply appears and starts screaming in pain, obviously she was scared, at first she didn't go look at what it was, but over time she let her curiosity win and there, she saw another amicabot, purple fur and yellow hair tied in a ponytail, he was wearing glasses that were now broken and seemed to have an injured leg, obviously she was scared by the sudden visit, but her curiosity and pity were greater, due to amica's injury and his considerably small size, she decided to follow him to see what he would do, after a while amica sits down to rest, the pain in his leg must not be letting him walk, she was scared, very scared, she really HATES having to socialize, but the poor thing seemed to be lost and in pain, she finally decided to intervene.


was distracted looking around the cave, when he noticed a sound similar to someone walking, Pyro looked in the direction of the sound, was startled to see big eyes shining blue, a gigantic orange being came out of the darkness, a serious face, it didn't look exactly scary, but due to its size, Pyro was horrified by the being coming towards him, however, before he could try to escape the being grabbed his tail, and brought its big mouth close to his head, scared Pyro already thinks of the worst scenario, however instead of a bite what he receives is a voice, a sweet and low voice.

-you... are you okay?-

The voice resounds softly, looking again he realizes that the being itself was a giant amicabot, orange and yellow fur all over, blue horns and spines all over its body, some fins and a long tail, its look was worried, even with its size it didn't seem to want to hurt him, quite the opposite in fact. -I.. hm.. no I.. I.. I'm not okay, m.. my leg hurts…-

She says exactly

-I think you hurt yourself on the rocks, right?-

Amica says quietly as she examines the wound on her leg

-I don't think I can fix this… but if I got you out of here would it help?-

She says quietly and then looks back at Pyro who nods his head

-Okay… I know a few ways out of here, you know it's a huge place, other Emicas use it more for gardening but the part I'm in isn't appropriate for that-

She says picking up Pyro with her paws, at first he gets scared until he sees that she just put him on top of her head to make it easier to move, Pyro and her friend stay silent for a while until Pyro starts talking

-Um…. Errr… well… so… what's your name? I'm Pyroclast-

Without much enthusiasm she answers


She says dryly

-So... Columbus... how long have you been here, man? And alone...-

-I've been here forever-

-Oh yeah... um... sorry to ask but... would you be a girl? You know... I couldn't identify and... I wouldn't like to use the wrong pronouns or disrespect you-

-Don't worry, a lot of people get confused, in fact I've never had a specific gender, technically I'm a hermaphrodite, but I prefer to be treated as a girl, that's how I identify myself-

She says turning around some rocks and climbing a hole and soon leaving the cave, she has a little difficulty getting out due to her size and weight but with some effort she manages to get out.

-So here we are, I think you can find a better place to treat your leg here…-

As soon as she says this, Pyro gets off his head and thanks Columbus. He starts walking back home, but soon his leg hurts again, making him stop. Columbus comes back to him to examine

As soon as she says this, Pyro gets off his head and thanks Columbus. He starts walking back home, but soon his leg hurts again, making him stop. shes comes back to him to examine it, and even though he doesn't want to at all, his desire to help prevents her from simply leaving him behind. She soon picks him up again to take him to her house, where Pyro guides her, trying to start a conversation once and a while, but is always cut off by Columbus with dry and short answers, yeah…This amica doesn't like conversation at all...

Finally, when he gets to where Pyro lives, before he can even say thank you, Columbus disappears like the wind. Pyro could simply ignore it and live his life, but he thinks about this Amica and doesn't stop thinking about her for even a second…

-Time skip of a few months-

Pyroclast can't get Amica out of his head. Donna keeps calling him crazy for not having seen Amica and thinking that she's some creation of Clast's somewhat disturbed mind. Finally, after much disturbance, he convinces Donna to accompany him back to the cave where he found Columbus. Now with the appropriate diving gear, Pyro and Donna prepare to jump into the lagoon and find the cave.

-You're sure about this, aren't you Clast? Promise we're not risking anything, okay? - Asks Donna, still skeptical about Pyro and Colunbus' meeting. - Yes, Donna, I'm sure of what I'm doing and I'm sure she'll be here! - She says excitedly, warming up to start her swim. - I swear that if it's all in your head, which it probably is, I'll rip your head off - Donna says irritated. Pyro ignores her friend's threat and immediately jumps into the lake. Then Donna jumps in too. Upon finding the entrance to the cave again, Pyro signals for Donna to be careful. He doesn't want her to suffer the same fate as he did the last time he came here. Pyro and Donna finally enter the cave, without any broken or scratched limbs this time. Donna is amazed at the beauty of the place. -Ok, I can't lie, the trip was worth it just because of this beauty-

She says, intrigued by the lights in the cave, running her paws over the stalaquids and stalagmites. Pyro doesn't answer and just continues his search. He really wants to find the girl who is mentally stunning him

-Time skip of a few hours-

After hours of walking, the two of them were already exhausted. Donna insisted that they leave and that the Amica he saw wouldn't even be there anymore. But Pyro didn't lose hope for a moment. He was focused on finding her, and so he did. At the very back of the cave, there was Columbus, huddled up and crying like a scared child. Pyro didn't expect to find her like that, and even less so Donna, who was paralyzed when she saw that not only was Pyro right, but he hadn't lied about the size of the Amica. That thing was huge! And there she was, defenseless and crying. Seeing Columbus's state, Pyro runs towards her to find out what was happening. She gets scared, throws herself backwards and hits her back hard against a cold wall. The sound of metal seemed to indicate that she had hurt herself, but her friend didn't show any pain, only a brief fear and then anger.

-W... what are you doing here? I took you out of here a few months ago! Why did you come back here?-

Columbus says with a mix of indignation and confusion

-I came back here for you... I couldn't stop thinking about you... even after so long... I wanted to at least thank you for helping me, so I... brought this for you-

He says as he takes a large, bright blue flower out of his scarf

-It reminds me of your eyes... so bright and hopeful and... sad...-

He says blushing

Donna watched the two of them from afar, in disbelief at what she was seeing. She knew that Columbus was a huge idiot, but to the point of falling in love with someone fifteen times his size??? And on top of that, he only saw her once in his life??? That's crazy.

Columbus' eyes widen when he sees the gift... it had been a long time since someone had given her anything, much less complimented her like that, which made her run immediately

-I... um... thank you... I think-

She says, taking the flower and still with tears in her eyes, Pyro tries to get close to her for a comforting hug, which Columbus soon notices and gets scared, shrinking back in fright and pushing Pyro away with her tail

-I... I'm sorry but I won't hug her-

She says, recovering herself, soon she again guides Pyro and Donna out of the cave, when they get outside, Pyro looks deep into Columbus' eyes

-Look... I know we've only seen each other twice in our lives and all, but you seem so lonely... wouldn't you like to come with us? Can we even, you know... be friends? - Pyro says excitedly, extending his hand to Columbus, who goes to take it but quickly steps back, lowering his head - I'm sorry... you and your friend seem like amazing friends, but I... I... I just can't... I'm sorry... - She says and quickly returns to the cave before Pyro can even react. Pyro becomes very sad, and Donna tries to console him. And the two never saw each other again...

I'm kidding, lol, there will still be more stories with the two of them, but they won't be any time soon, bruh

Do you believe in love at first sight?
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In Prompts ・ By Rotten_Meat
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Submitted By Rotten_Meat for Glowlit Cave Expedition
Submitted: 1 week agoLast Updated: 5 days ago

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