ใ€Ž ๐Ÿ“– ใ€- Robuddies Map

In General ใƒป By Dailet-Creation
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Welcome to my Robuddies Map! Where is a little uh...visual? or well a writing of where they ubicate and were they live, a simple way to know my little babies homes! :3

This Will be updated of what more Robuddies i got, so make sure to check this! :0

โœถ The Elders โœถ

"Who are the Elders?"
The Elders are Robuddies who has Lived such long life, earning a Strong and Huge ammoung of Magic over they life arriving to the point to evolve to stronger creatures god-ish like, they are the guardians of they element and they make sure to keep the balance in the worlds

They dont have a specific place they live, due they mostly move arround the world all the time so they dont have a specifict place they live or called home, Diamont mayyyybe can say due he like to stay to a place for longest time to feel the earth down him, but still he change posicion time to time

เฎ Flipside เฎ

The Flipside is a Pocket Dimencion, where these little guy can go anywhere, there no real rules where they live and they places are weirdly made, imagine like the Backrooms/liminal Spaces

โ™’๏ธŽ The Ocean โ™’๏ธŽ

These little guys likes to live near the water, living Under it in the caves of it, or near a beach, is very uncomoon these guys being out of the water

๐ŸŒตThe desert๐ŸŒต

A place were a lot of Monsters lives, the sun is very cruelย  and not much food is found, only very stronger ones can live in such infernal place

๐ŸŒน The Field ๐ŸŒน

Little guys who lives in the field or near forest, who are mostly away of civilizacion and enjoy nature what they offer, sleepin in caves or trees, this guys are not afried to be outside!

๐Ÿž The Village ๐Ÿž

A Abandoned Village where in the past villages live here, now home of this little guys where rather want a more safe life where they safe from the dangers of the nature and live happyly toguether

๐ŸŽ† The Festival ๐ŸŽ†

a Little Town near the dock, where the marker is livid as ever, you looking for something? you will find here! not all but always there good vibes and parties in here!

๐Ÿ‚ย  Autumn Forest ๐Ÿ‚

A forest who looks that Autumn is never over! (unless is dicember), always showing they beutyfull orange/red/brown and yellow leafs, a very peacefull and cold place

๐Ÿธ The Mansion ๐Ÿธ

A very huge and abadoned Mansion, where in the past a very rich Family live here, now in almost ruins, only very sofistiqued an Status Robuddies lives in this Mansion

๐Ÿš’ The City ๐Ÿš’

A City in ruins, who likes like the sun will never show up as it was forever night, even is broken there still some machine and tecnologie working to be use

๐Ÿ’ป The Lab ๐Ÿ’ป

A abandoned and broken lab where here as made unspokeble experiments of all kind ways, where the most weird, bizzarred and Abnormal Robuddies live in the deep shadows

ใ€Ž ๐Ÿ“– ใ€- Robuddies Map
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In General ใƒป By Dailet-Creation

A little thing i wanted to make so help out to understand more the world my Robuddies live! :3

this writing will be updated when i get more Robuddies to add in this world! :0

i hope this help a lot! and thank you for read it <3

Submitted By Dailet-Creation
Submitted: 5 months ago ใƒป Last Updated: 5 months ago

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