Profile AMI-596: Fritz

Owned by DreilDream


A mad scientist who can be described with many words. Terrible, horrid, reprehensible, incaring, cold hearted, straight up evil.

 Fritz disguises herself as a nice and modest scientist looking for others to help her with small harmless projects. Of course it's all a lie, with her true intentions being to lure and trap others in her lab so she can experiment on them. For the rest of eternity by the way.

There is in actuality a plethora of Amicabots in Fritz's lab, but three she had lured in particular are Stel, Uranium, and Vi. Stel has been with Fritz for the longest and has been modified to act as security that can flawlessly prevent people frome scaping.

One of Fritz's victims, Vi, managed to escape one day, even being able to escape from Stel. This is the first time that someone has successfully fled her lab, but she has confidence that he won't tell anyone due to his new status as an outcast who cannot fit in society.

There had also been one instance where Fritz was unable to lure someone into her lab, that person in particular being Medica. However, Medica was unable to find out where he was exactly being lead to, so Fritz has no concern over him.

Alas, Medica ended up finding Vi and learned about Fritz's whereabouts. After a long, long time of being impossible to track down, she is now vulnerable. Her fate has been sealed to be found and stopped once and for all.


Fritz's body has been very modified, all done by herself.

She started off by forcing a second core into her forehead, hence the cracks. She then removed her forearms to replace them with one she found more efficient. Afterwards, she replaced her legs with one that had wheels, allowing her to move around more smoothly. She then felt as if two arms weren't enough and implemented a second pair, one of them reusing one of her previous forearms. She also ripped out the claws from the leftover hand and turned them into a hair tie.

Her origins are completely unknown. All that seems to be clear is that she wasn't always like this. Maybe the apocalypse had something to do with it.

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