Profile AMI-251: Mari

Owned by BBungle

Sue Beauregard Marine . He/She/It

Curious . Observant . Impulsive . ??


Mari is an observant and curious amicabot, always taking in the world around him. She can sometimes be unpredictable in her actions, which can sometimes make others feel uneasy around him. She communicates via playing music from it's mouth!

Mari's story is a bit of a mystery, even to itself. She was designed to be a mascot for a purpose that she can't quite recall. However, she does have vague memories of four strangely dressed figures, strange music, and cheering. Mari is also known for being unpredictable and sometimes unnerving. His unblinking eyes and constantly visible teeth can make some feel uneasy, but Mari usually means no harm. She's simply curious and observant, always eager to explore and learn more about the world around him.



Misery - Familial Connection: Their creators often squabbled due to Mari's taking inspiration from Misery's. Now that they are no longer around, these two are able to actually interact! Mari considers Misery as an older cousin of sorts.

Shemp - ??? - Mari finds him and his strange creatures fascinating...


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