AMI-1745: Padma


Height: 7ft

Pronouns: she/her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Talents: Master actress, master combatant, and master gardener

Powers: The Lotus Umbrella - Padma can draw pink light circles to cast plant based magic. To power the magic up, she opens her umbrella after drawing the circle.

Personality: Stoic, artsy, elegant, no-nonsense, cheerful, noble, motherly, dangerous, calculating, and set in her ways

Goals: To protect her town and keep evil at bay

Job: Theatre actress in The Golden Gate; heroine when she senses danger approaching

Trivia: She lives in a town called Jewelside, where precious metals and gems decorate the area, along with colorful flowers. Jewelside is located under the mountains in the Grand Desert and travel up to Aether. 

Jewelside is known for its magic users, Amicabots made with a special material that lets them gain magic powers after they're built and set online. All of them work together to keep the town beautiful and thriving. Though while the town is welcome to other Amicabots with magic... it does not welcome non-magic or powerful Amicabots, often looking down on them. It's why they keep their town to themselves.

The residents are known to be wise, elegant and cheery, though also snobbish, prim, and egotistical. Though the loyalty they have to their home and their fellow residents is unbreakable.



Wolfie: Whoever gets this check out orchid manti 🫵

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