AMI-1724: Lucky the Kid


Height: 2'3"

Pronouns: he/him

Sexuality: Pan

Talents: Master at headbutting, great at jumping and climbing, and good at dodging and maneuvering

Powers: Luck is always on his side, giving him the best odds; super strength; super speed

Personality: Friendly, lively, energetic, noble, boisterous, loud, rash, extroverted, stubborn, and full of determination

Goals: Escape the Farm

Trivia: This little goat was made on an Amicabot farm where the folks were practicing magic and spells, to see how it would effect technology. In the end, it ended up enchanting him to always be lucky, which he was gonna need now more than ever, as the farm wasn't too keen on just letting him live life the way he wanted.

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