AMI-1717: Aquarius
Height: 7'1"
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: Straight
Talents: Great at acting, great at finding liars and con artists, and good at gardening
Powers: Can find oasises with his guiding stars; soak up water with his hands to store and spray them at different velocities depending on the situation
Personality: Friendly, dependable, loyal, calm, charitable, stylish, prideful, has an eye for coin, and sly to those he senses are crooked
Goals: To aid those wandering the Grand Desert
Job: Oasis Guide in the Grand Desert, often leads lost or curious Nauticava to one, or back to sea
Trivia: His nicknames are Aqua and Rudy (though only his wife calls him Rudy)
Aquarius is incredibly rich, in spare parts, precious metals, gems, and pearls, as he often sells and buys things from other beings, like Nauticava
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