AMI-1500: Apex

Owned by Bluzai

You hear the sounds of tinkering and the howl of a furnace, you step closer to some kind of labratory, filled to the brim with knicknacks and half-completed projects. Inside the room, hunched over at a desk is a Predecessor - No, that's an Amicabot with close resemblence...  You stumble over some bottled oils and their ear perks up, Professor Apex  turns around at the noise and scowls at your prescence.

"What the fuck do you want?" He snaps out, already turning back to his work. On second thought, maybe you should leave.


Professor Apex, during his time, was one of the lead developers of the on-going Amicable Robots project, which was a futuristic concept that would introduce sapient robotics into the population.  The project was a massive turning point in technology.  Apex wanted to be apart of it, to be apart of the new future.

It was around this point that Apex had a plan, one he told nobody about. Mortality was limiting, he had thought. It would be different if his body weren't flesh, but rather gears and wires. In secret, he had prepared his new vessel and was ready to take the next step.

Despite the high mortality rate associated with this kind of procedure, Apex was mostly successful with the change, to the surprise of his coworkers. However, this new development wouldn't go unnoticed by higher power. The government had taken an interest in Apex and his work and invited him to join. Permanentlly.

Working underground with the government led to a lot of less-than-legal experiments and works and exposure to the worst their kind had to offer. Constantly he was surrounded by dimwitted officials who didn't know a single thing about robotics looking down upon him for being a robot, oftentimes even mistaking him for a brand new model of AI from the Amicable Robots project. It was demeaning.

The eruption and consequential apocalypse has allowed Apex to haul ass, stealing as much expensive equipment as he could as soon as he was woken up by the local Amicabots. Rumor has it that Apex has been working on something big down in his lab... Though none of his unwanted visitors have been able to figure it out.



Apex is snappy and loves to point out how stupid others are. His many years in solitude and government work has made him uncaring of following social rules.  He has a habit of tackling his problems in extreme ways, through the use of one-time inventions. Most of them tend to blow up or go wrong but Apex will not take any criticism. 

Despite never working with others, Apex does accept bribes in return for his expertise and crafts. His upgrades may be a little more than you expected, but hey you got what you wanted, didn't you?

Postives: Hardworking, Innovative.

Negatives: Mean, Obsessive, Stubborn.

Apex is always wearing clothes! Particularly his lab coat!

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